Love Stockton

Welcome to our central Stockton Missional Community! Our vision for this house and community is to try and live out a modern-day version of the early church in Acts 2. A group of us, who all know and love Jesus, have a heart for reaching the lost and are willing to live an unconventional lifestyle, live together in a house. We eat together, pray and worship together. We share what we have with each other and we hang out with each other, all the while being very intentional in meeting and getting to know our neighbours.

Our street is, for most, the last place the residents want to be and many of them have come from different council estates across Teesside. Our vision is that people meet with God, are radically transformed by Him and give their lives to Him before being discipled and then sent back to the council estate they grew up in to become missionaries in those places.

Our prayer is that by living what looks, to the world, like a radical and crazy lifestyle but in the Kingdom is normal, we will be sharing something of Jesus Christ in this street.

Our prayer is that:

We will see miraculous healings from addiction, abuse, trauma, brokenness, rejection and physical illness and that we will see our powerful God bring restoration, wholeness, life and an overwhelming experience of His love.

We will soon have new brothers and sisters on this street who know they are loved, valued, made right and are delighted in by their heavenly Father.

Put simply, we are on mission by being good neighbours! This is something every believer is called and equipped to do.