Taking care of one another

We believe that it is essential that we, as Christians, love and support one another and care especially for those with specific needs. Life Groups, organisations and friendship groups provide a core caring service within our church. Praying for one another, supporting and encouraging one another at times of pressure, for example, sharing  a rota to provide meals at times of sickness.

The impact of “lockdown” itself has highlighted the need for an effective care and support system within our church. Instances of loneliness and isolation have emphasised the need to regularly check in with friends if they seem to be struggling.

 In addition to the many forms of care that are practiced within the whole church, a focussed “Carers Group” meet once a month under the leadership of the Senior Minister to think and pray about those with particular long or short term needs and devise the most effective way of providing care. Visits and phone calls are made to those who have been bereaved or are sick at home or in hospital. We also take communion to those who are long-term shut-in.

Jesus said, “Love one another as I have loved you!”